Archive for December, 2010

New on YouTube

New on YouTube

  Watch on“The Al-Arian Trial: An Inside Look by A Juror” Part I *** Part II *** Part III  

by December 7, 2010 0 comments News

The Verdict’s Sixth Anniversary

December 6 should be celebrated as “First Amendment Day” The First Amendment was Dr. Al-Arian’s only defense, a position validated by the jury’s verdict, and the reason why this decision to uphold one of the most sacred founding principles of the United State should be remembered every year on this day.[Read More…]

by December 7, 2010 0 comments News
The Verdict’s Fifth Anniversary/The Al-Arian Trial on YouTube

The Verdict’s Fifth Anniversary/The Al-Arian Trial on YouTube

Tampa Bay Coalition for Justice and Peace The Verdict’s Fifth Anniversary: December 6 should be celebrated as “First Amendment Day” Watch on“The Al-Arian Trial: An Inside Look by A Juror” For immediate release- WASHINGTON DC – Dec. 6, 2010 December 6, 2005 shall be remembered as a great day[Read More…]

by December 7, 2010 0 comments 2010