They came Monday morning
In front of my door
Five CO’s* and one LT**
At six-foot and four
Come up shut up,
Cough up they said
Turn around back up
Hold down your head
They joked and laughed
It’s time for shakedown
Control, Destroy,
And don’t you dare frown
Contraband contraband
He yelled from the side
My heart just sank
He’s found my hide
Extra blanket, extra sheet,
Boxers, he’s thrown
Plastic spoon, peanut butter,
And a picture I’d drawn
My heart was beating
Faster than before
If he finds it, my life
Ain’t the same anymore
Seconds and minutes
Were passing like years
Frustrated, worried,
And crying without tears
Undaunted, they left
The cell upside down
Startled, it looked
Like a tornado hit town
But I calmed and laughed
And thanked the Lord
My pencil is safe
And mightier than the sword
*CO: Correctional Officer
**LT: Lieutenant
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